Top ten comics of 2008
Top ten comics of 2008
I know there are more than 10 here, so I’m leaving it up to you to decide which of these are the best
Pick a few of your favorites, and let me know and I’ll narrow down the selection to the actual top ten. There will be a small reward for participating.
Thanks for making this site the internet’s funniest daily cartoon!
This cartoon caused much debate about the final spelling of the cool creamy treat which I shall choose to decline to identify how I think shall be spelled correctly.
Talking cats are funny, especially when they will eventually have to eat cat food.
Don’t try this at home kids.
Being creative is as easy as combining stuff that normally isn’t.
There’s more than one reason why this is my number one cartoon. I LOL every time I see it.
I’m glad people really don’t have shirts like this.
I know, I know. The report should have read, “A meteor the size of a cat is about to crash into Earth. More at 11.”
Yep. I’m making fun of Harley owners.
Sometimes the thought of getting a shot is worse than getting a shot.
We all have different memories of learning to drive.
If only we didn’t need windows.
Make believe is great until this happens. You know. When your squirt gun runs out of water.
This is not an offensive Barak Obama cartoon, but it could be.
Unemployment is a great thing to make fun of. There’s a lot of foreshadowing happening in my comics, eh?
We have proven ourselves to be a not so good looking society.
You know I’m not a religious cartoonist…
Just reverse anything you know and it becomes original.
Sometimes I have a deep, provoking thought. Then it goes away and I make a comic like this.
Some people probably will never learn how to count down…or is it up? Dang.
Favre is just too easy of a name to make fun of.
There are good first dates and then there are great first dates.
Yum. Have you ever eaten one of these? They are much better than vegan burgers.
Cats acting all grown up. If only they knew…
Man oh man. They never saw it coming.
Sometimes I’ll dabble in facts and figures and make a chart representing the data.
Cartoon as it appeared in The East Valley Tribune.
As far as I can tell, I’m still the only person that has ever mentioned how historic this presidential election has been.
Dear Pepsi, I’m not sure if it’s true or not, so if you’d like to sue me or whatever, that’s cool.
This is just plain funny.
It didn’t last long, but what car dealership does anyway?
My vote is for #3. Great job on all of them though.
wow. it’s a good sign when it’s so hard to choose. and all of these were done without the super artist glasses!!!!
my faves:
1. hilarious. i love a timely cartoon that holds up long after the event. and i love sherbet.
2. your best stuff is always twistedly ironic. we laugh so we don’t cry.
5.this is one of the cartoons that would make you a million bucks in t-shirt sales if you were at all interested in money. so sad.
11. it takes a gift to take a phrase that you use every day and plop it into a totally different situation. this one is just stinkin’ brilliant.
14. the best cartoons are the ones that come out of your life. i’m sorry that this stuff is happening, but it still makes me laugh.
18 and 23. variations on the same theme, equally effective. one of those cartoons that make you laugh, then think, then laugh again. really well done.
29. what can i say? i’m a runner. again, millions of dollars of t-shirt sales to be had.
it’s funny, because i had just spent a half hour on reading the daily offerings. nothing amused me anywhere near as much as seeing these cartoons again.
and i’m sure that if did the list again i’d come up with an entirely different list. they’re all that good.
jeez, i’m sounding like a stalker. anyhow, thanks for sharing your genius over the course of the year.
gotta be no. 17! sometimes the simple ones are the best!
my faves are 2, 7, 19 and 23.
yeah, those ARE all cat cartoons. what are you implying?
gotta be 13. really clever use of turning offensive on its head. or bottom.
runnerup would be the 25,26,27 combo platter with their excellent political commentary. well done
i gotta go with 20 and 30
2, 3, 5 noseless cats rock….but really I like all of them very fun read! These are just my favs… I also liked the cloud animal one…
17 too LOL
meester ootasi? can you not include the cat mitten cartoon on the list? i laughed so hard when i saw it that milk would have shot out of my nose if my village had any milk. thank you.
28 is your most brilliant concept to date. get a large corporation to take you to court. david v. goliath. huge international exposure. website tattooed across your forehead. new jerseyer magazine, here we come!!!!!
p.s. your best cartoon of the year was “i don’t have an opening for you.” a superb idea that’s wickedly subtle and then smacks you atop the head. i assume it was such a slam dunk for top 10 that it’s already on the list and these other nominees are just to fill out the 10.
what about the “beer: not just for teenagers?” cartoon. that was another instant t-shirt classic. set up outside an asu game and make a million in one day.
no. 25!!!!! even though it should say “whose” fault. harumph. but i love pie ….
no. 16!!! this one haunted me for days. more disturbing the more you think about it. excellent work!
(i hope i’m not disqualified for voting twice. please?)
Dude, do you know how much cat food costs?
#5 is alive!
This is really really tough but here are my choices for the top ten.
To all who participated, you shall receive a signed print of the number one cartoon of 2008! #5
2, 4, 5, 8, 12, 14, 17, 18, 22, 23
I can only hope that the decision is this difficult again at the end of 2009.
“meester ootasi? can you not include the cat mitten cartoon on the list? i laughed so hard when i saw it that milk would have shot out of my nose if my village had any milk. thank you.”
I think this is funnier than anything. Make a cartoon out of it, and then I’ll vote.