Google update

Here are a few new page one results that I’ve added to my “Google Gabe” page. The links take you to the actual search result pages. I keep the list updated with mostly the top searches, since there are a ton of cartoons that end up five or more pages back. Most people don’t make it that far in search results I don’t think anyhow. Thanks again for making my comic popular enough for me to keep wanting to make it.

————— NEW —————-

  • Keep the change, (page 1). Take that, Bank of America and the 24 million other images that don’t compete with mine.
  • Economic stimulus check, (page 1). What will they look like? If you haven’t received yours, you’ll wonder.
  • Refreshing, (page 1). Except not so much when you realize what the cartoon is about.

————— NEW —————-

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You may not use the cartoons at any time without prior written consent.

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